Employment Serivces

Employment services at Food for Good Thought is tailored to each client and geared to those individuals who are looking for employment in the community. After the intake has been completed, meetings with a Job Developer will happen on a regular basis. Clients can begin with career exploration if they have not yet identified a job goal or complete a work assessment in the community to determine if they are ready to begin preparing for the employment stage.

Clients who are ready for employment will work with their job developer to develop a resume, perfect their interviewing skills, and begin applying to positions. Once employment has been secured, on the job supports, such as job coaching and employment retention, are available until the employee is secure in their community position. 

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In addition to the year-round employment services, Food for Good Thought is home to one of the best and largest summer employment programs in the greater Columbus area. Our summer program host students in high school with disabilities for five weeks. During the five weeks, the students will complete a one-week education program focusing on soft skills, interviewing skills, the importance of jobs seeking skills and resumes.

Following the week of education, students will be placed at one of the various partner worksites in Columbus. Students will build work skills at their four-week placement and get paid for each hour that they work.